What is Window of Tolerance and How Can You Increase Yours?

window of tolerance Sep 11, 2024

By:  Amanda Covalt, LCSW

EMDRIA Consultant

Window of Tolerance

Window of Tolerance is the window in which one can tolerate distressing emotions and use coping skills effectively. Distress can be subjective and some people cannot tolerate positive and/or negative emotions so when they experience these emotions, they become outside their window of tolerance. This window is important when performing trauma work because when one is outside their window of tolerance they are unable to process or cope with distressing emotions and memories. It is often necessary to take time for preparation prior to trauma work to increase window of tolerance to prevent dysregulation and retraumatization.

What does it mean to be outside the Window of Tolerance?

So how do we know when one is outside their window of tolerance? This window falls between hyper- and hypoarousal. When someone is in hyperarousal they are in fight or flight. They may be agitated, angry or anxious. They may be reactive, overstimulated or overwhelmed. It is often hard to sit still and concentrate. Someone in “fight or flight” is experiencing hyperarousal.


When one is in hypoarousal they tend to freeze. They may be dissociated, withdrawn or nonreactive. They may feel numb or zoned out. It may be difficult to feel interest in activities or a desire to engage with others.

Both hyper- and hypoarousal are dysregulating so we need to find ways to increase our window of tolerance in order to effectively cope and perform trauma work.

Increasing the Window of Tolerance

So how do we help someone increase their window of tolerance? Becoming aware of your window is a great way to start increasing it! There are also some techniques that can be practiced in and out of a therapy session, including but not limited to:

  • Mindfulness
    • Practice being present with and identifying your emotions.
  • Feel your Emotions
    • This helps teach your brain and body that these emotions are not scary or dangerous.
  • Breathing
    • Helps calm one’s system so they can remain in their window of tolerance.
  • Pendulation
    • This skill is used for EMDR trained clinicians and can help increase one’s window of tolerance when doing trauma reprocessing.
  • Resourcing (or RDIs)
    • Another EMDR tool used to create positive effect states and manage distressing emotions and memories.
    • Examples:
      • Nurturer
      • Wise Figure
      • Protector

If you want to know more about pendulation, resourcing, or EMDR Basic Training please go to our training website.

EMDR Basic Training

EMDR Circle: Learn more about pendulation and other EMDR skills


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