What You Need to Know About Trauma Specialist Training Institute’s EMDR Basic Training

Marlee Bardenett

LCPC, EMDR Certified Therapist, Consultant in Training 

I completed my EMDR Basic Training in January/March of 2020. Not only did I learn EMDR, I shifted the way I approach case conceptualization, treatment planning, and sessions with clients. With all of the big learning that happens during EMDR Basic Training, it is helpful to know what to expect so you can focus on soaking up all of the new information. 

Essential Details:

Our training is approved by EMDRIA, which is the Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing International Association. Not every EMDR training is EMDRIA approved, meaning it does not meet EMDRIA’s standards for training. At the end of our training, you are considered EMDR Basic trained by an EMDRIA approved provider and can use the approach with your clients. If you are interested in further learning, you can pursue EMDR certification, which is outlined on EMDRIA’s website.

What You Can Expect:

Our training consists of 40 hours that are split into two 3-day parts. The training hours consist of lectures, demonstrations, and practicums. This training is very interactive and engaging. Your camera will be on and you will have the opportunity to connect with your trainers, consultants, and fellow learners. It is an EMDRIA requirement that cameras be on throughout the duration of the training, plus it helps us all connect when we can see one another. During the demonstrations and practicums, you will be doing your own work. Doing our own work as a client during the training allows us to understand what EMDR is like from a client perspective. It is both challenging and rewarding to be a client in this training.

Self-care is very helpful during training weekends. I recommend getting comfortable (wear your favorite sweats, grab that cozy blanket, make your favorite tea) and keeping things light on training days (don’t book clients, watch your comfort show, get rest). Also know that you get to choose what you work on, and you are encouraged to choose something manageable! You will work with a variety of other therapists during your practicums to give you a chance to see how EMDR works on different brains.

There are also 10 hours of consultations between the two weekends. The consultations are required by EMDRIA and they support learning. You will learn skills during the first weekend that you are expected to apply with your clients. Consultations help support you as you apply the skills. They also give you the opportunity to connect to your peers in the training and your consultants. As a consultant, I love getting to know everyone on a deeper level and I love watching everyone learn and grow! 

Our trainers and consultants take a relational approach when running the training and consultation groups. We aim to create a warm and safe environment where people can learn, ask questions, and do their own work. We value humanness and see therapists as human! You are invited to show up as your human, mistake-making self (and watch us do so as well).

How Are Our Trainings Different?

We strive to provide an excellent training experience that focuses on learning and building connections with other therapists. I am still connected to therapists that were in my training cohort!

We offer opportunities to stay connected with fellow participants after Basic Training through Beginner Cohort Consultation groups that enhance learning of the material. These support working toward your

We offer continued access to resources and support with EMDR certification through the EMDR Circle.

We offer make-up consultation groups to help meet the needs of the therapist’s schedule.

 Further Resources:





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